Democ Support Center

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Can my employer find out if I use Democ?

We will try very hard to avoid it. 

There are two ways to join or add a work group on Democ:

  1. By granting Democ access to your work email contacts, allowing us to verify your control of your work email
  2. By clicking an authenticated link sent to your work email address

In the first case, we don't believe employers can see that you have taken this action. In the second case, we require that you share the email addresses of at least two coworkers and send all three emails at the same time, which provides  deniability, and the email is a general invitation to vote, not a typical authentication email-- it contains no reference to you having joined or requested to join.

Other than invitations, we do not send emails to work or organizational email addresses. The email provided when you signed up is your primary email address.